Why is Rugby a Great Sport for Boys and Girls?
If you google "Why should my son/daughter play rugby?" - you will find millions of articles on the great attributes that rugby offers for players of all ages. If you ever ask a rugby player about rugby, they are so passionate about the game that they believe that over and above any other, rugby is the best sport. So what are some of these reasons, and why should you let your child get involved in rugby?
One major reason is which other competitive sport can be played by anyone?!… there is positions for short and stout, tall and slim, heavy set, strong, agile, jumpers, speedsters. The entire team defends and also attacks and anyone can score (well not everyone can kick.. but you can get my drift). And there are teams for both boys and girls! Here is a quick list from ruck.co.uk on WHY you should get your kids involved NOW! 1. Improve Physical Health - rugby takes A LOT of physical work, from running to rucking and tackling 2. Develop social skills - teamwork makes the dream work! 3. Character building - you win some, you lose some 4. Equal Opportunities - everyone gets the chance to do everything: run, pass, kick, score! 5. Build self-esteem and confidence - those little successes add up 6. Learn valuable life-lessons - As our President says: As in Rugby, As in Life 7. Positive Role Models - The Knicks have a organization filled with great role models, from players to coaches 8. Make lifelong friends - Knick for life! 9. Breed academic success - Children who were involved with at least one sport were more likely to get better grades suggests a study conducted by the American College of Sports Medicine. 10. They’ll experience the incredible feeling of being part of a team 11. They will respect others, regardless of their decisions - When the referee makes a decision we disagree with, kids still call him “sir” and don’t talk back. 12. It helps to reduce stress - Exercise and other physical activity produce endorphinsand also improve the ability to sleep 13. It could even go somewhere! - Many universities have budding varsity programs with scholarship opportunities. And there are college and adult clubs everywhere! Is Rugby dangerous?Rugby players don’t wear pads. And it’s a collision sport. But safety is a huge part of the sport and culture of rugby. It has been widely debated in the media whether rugby is in fact a dangerous sport for children, but according to experts, rugby is in fact one of the best disciplines you can offer to a child. Up to the age of 9, it is a non-contact sport, whereby touch or flag rugby is played. Between the ages of 9 and 11 children are then taught how to tackle and start getting into contact, but it is not until high school that rugby becomes a tackle sport.
Current Youth Schedule
Spring/Summer Youth Rugby TBA
WHERE: Dick Green Field
WHO: Children grades 2-12.
Please fill out the below forms (below the Paypal box) and email to [email protected] or bring to the first sessions. Please also review our COVID protocols and fill out those forms (digital).
Payment for the season is available above or can be brought to practice. Checks should be made out to the Albany Knicks or AKRFC. If you pay in cash, you get a little fee discount! You may also venmo @albanyknicksrugby
As always, financial assistance is available for those in need. Please contact us at the above email. No one will be turned away.
Want to get involved but not ready to commit?
Swing by a practice and check out what we are all about or send any questions to coach Rob Sliwinski or send us a chat on Facebook
WHERE: Dick Green Field
WHO: Children grades 2-12.
Please fill out the below forms (below the Paypal box) and email to [email protected] or bring to the first sessions. Please also review our COVID protocols and fill out those forms (digital).
Payment for the season is available above or can be brought to practice. Checks should be made out to the Albany Knicks or AKRFC. If you pay in cash, you get a little fee discount! You may also venmo @albanyknicksrugby
As always, financial assistance is available for those in need. Please contact us at the above email. No one will be turned away.
Want to get involved but not ready to commit?
Swing by a practice and check out what we are all about or send any questions to coach Rob Sliwinski or send us a chat on Facebook
Pay your season dues online!
Flag Rugby: City of Albany Residents - Free; Non-Resident: $10 Middle School/High School Rugby: $25 Insurance and Tournaments costs will be covered separately. Aid is always available. Dues can be paid via Venmo @albanyknicksrugby
Albany Youth Rugby HistoryYouth Rugby in New York State has grown exponentially in recent years. Capital District Youth Rugby (CDYR) was a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that promoted rugby development, team play, and sportsmanship for high school students and had established teams in Albany, Renssealer, Schenectady, Saratoga, Kingston, and Berkshire. Along with other youth rugby programs across the state, CDYR was part of RugbyNY, a USA Rugby recognized State Based Rugby Organization (SBRO). Through this affiliation, CDYR organized spring season schedules and player development clinics, participated in NYS High School Championships, and sent players to state All-Star Competitions. CDYR also developed a "Rookie Rugby" program for children in grades 2-8. Rookie Rugby is a fun, easy to play, non-contact rugby game that is designed as an introduction to teach the basics. In 2018, the Albany Knicks took in CDYR to help build the program.
Many of the Knickerbocker senior club members are active in the youth rugby through coaching and officiating. If you are interested in becoming involved, please contact Rob Sliwinski. Registering with USA RugbyThe cost to join USA Rugby is $15 for flag players, $35 for middle school players and $50 for high school players. It includes club dues. One stop shopping. This is only required once per rugby calendar year (September 1 - August 31) Here's how: